Thursday, June 5, 2014

Day 9 •• June 4

     Wait... we've only been here for 9 days? Sometimes it feels like either we just got here, or we've been here forever.
     When I jerked awake after an intense dream, I was disoriented. Where the heck was I? Oh. So I rolled over and when back to sleep. 25 minutes later, I dragged myself out of bed, threw some clothes on and stumbled down to breakfast.

     It looked so familiar! And Hannah, I know you'll be amused to know that I didn't eat the apple, thus continuing my apple fast. (I only eat apples in September/October, long story.) Classes were eh. I'm understanding more, though. And during Sociology, while the students were taking an oral test one at a time, one of the girls in my class came up and introduced herself. But, like my father, I'm horrible with names, so, yeah. Anyhow, she has a love for languages, and has been learning English. She offered to be a translator and to help me learn Spanish, in return for English practice. Yay!!!
     For lunch, most of the Junior class (and I) when to the small restaurant across the road from the school. It was Kenny's birthday (a boy in their class) and so we celebrated by having pizza and hamburgers.
     These two ... don't get me started. It's a love/hate relationship. Friendship! Friendship! (I'm envisioning Sarah's reaction.)

     We helped with the Inglés class afterwards, then chilled in the library until 3:30 when it was time to go to town. In town, we bought some needed small items, toured a small museum and learned about the local culture.
It was enjoyable. Overall, our group gets along quite well.
When we got back to the school, it was the middle of supper. We quickly ate, then hurriedly dressed for Wednesday night vespers at the church. After worship, Sarah and I got permission to spend some time in the library with the college students, to obtain wifi. I've enjoyed my time here, so far. As I told Uncle Andy, this week I've decided to just listen and not talk much. I'm picking up on the rhythm of the words and the accent. Slowly, I'm learning to say more and more. I'm hopefully that by week 4, I should be communicating with more ease.

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