Sunday, June 1, 2014

Day 5 •• May 31

     Ah, today was muy bueno. It was Sabbath, which means we can sleep in until 7:50, as breakfast is at 8am. After breakfast, we had about 45 minutes to get ready for Sabbath School and Church. SS was okay. The class I went to with Sarah and her roommates was taught by Carolina, who's from Texas and is perfecting her Spanish here for her senior year. Church was kinda boring, as I couldn't understand much. During the song service I recognized some of the hymns sung. So I either sang in English, or attempted to sing in Spanish by reading the words from the projector. Lunch was quite good, but Nicko (who's from NY and in 8th grade) said that it's only good on Sabbath; we'll see. 
     In the afternoon, we're allowed to chill. My substitute roommate (my original two went home for the weekend) took a nap, so I hung out with Sarah, River and Nicko in front of the music building, as that's where the wifi is. At 3:30 there was a movie for the seniors, but it was the Ben Carson movie ... and I'm not meant to be anything medical. So I just hung around until 5, when AY started. With help from Nicko (who is so happy to have other Americans here) I was able to understand 30% of the meeting. Supper was pizza. Yay! While we were eating my sub roommate (Martina) decided that she'd help me learn by writing down words in Spanish and translating them to English. Maybe there IS a chance that I'll learn Spanish! 
     After supper most everyone when up to the parque, which is their huge enclosed gym-like building. I played volleyball with the students for over an hour. Well, it wasn't volleyball, we just stood in a circle and passed the ball to each other. But I improved in that time. I'm looking forward to playing again. But right now (9:30pm) I'm tired. Our group is still exhausted from traveling. Buenos noches!

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