Monday, June 23, 2014

Day 27 •• June 22

     Yes, I know I've skipping quite a few days... but there's only a week left. I've done pretty well, right? But still, sorry! Friday was a chill out day. I slept in till lunch and then did nothing for the rest of the day. It was the beginning of a long weekend, so a bunch of students went home. Sabbath I woke feeling blahhh. So I skipped Sabbath School & Church to sleep. Also, I read most of Have A Little Faith by Mitch Albom which I was borrowing from Carolina. What a great book. By lunch I was feeling better. We chilled for the rest of the afternoon. Today, I was able to sleep in till 11. I'm feeling better, but still kinda blah. After lunch we gathered at the the biblioteca to head to Termas de la Selva, a spa fed by a natural hot spring. The place was pretty great. There are three pools (hot, medium, warm). The medium temperature was nice for a while, but we ended up spending most of our time in the warm pool. (Also, we were treating it more as a pool than a spa.) The hot pool was too much for me, but by alternating between the medium pool and the cold shower, I felt quite alive. My congestion went away, thankful. We had a really nice time! 
     Unfortunately, the internet once again won't let me upload pictures to here, so check out my Instagram ( for photos. 
    After supper, we gathered across the street at the restaurant to watch USA vs. POR ... and SVA provided us with the gift of an all-you-can-eat ice cream buffet. Heck yeah! Even though Portugal got that last goal (sigh), we still had a pretty nice time. Tomorrow, a few of us will join Uncle Andy as he goes to Posadas, the capital of Misiones, Argentina. That should be fun.

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