Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Day 8 •• June 3

     It was an internal struggle, but when my alarm went off at 6am, I departed from my warm bed and took a shower. Thank God for hot water. 
     Classes were good. I had orientation classes today, which means I have specialized subjects based on my major. In Cs. Política we were taught about Popular vs. Neopopulation. Unfortunately, I had just studied that a few weeks ago in Sociology. Language & Literature was next. Then Math III. I got worried when I saw the students pull out their calculators. I've only done Algebra I&II and a little Geometry. (My minor, Marketing, calls for College Algebra, so I've been concentrating on that.) But when the professor started drawing on the board I calmed down. How to find the circumference of a circle. Seriously?! Kevin (who was an international student to SVA last year) leaned over and told me that the math here is ridiculously easy. Perfect. I zoned out for most of class. Towards the end, Kevin and I looked over his piano music in his backpack. 
     After lunch, I did some Algebra in the library, then headed to our Spanish class. It was us 5 students and the older 3 Rivera kids. Our teaching is the Literature teacher. She used to be the Spanish teacher in Buenos Aires; she would teach international college students. Unfortunately, we only learned about different objects, such as picaporte (doorknob), ropero (dresser), servilleta (napkin), etc... Hopefully on Thursday (we have Spanish class on Tuesday and Thursday) we'll learn difficult sentences. I feel bad for Sarah, Julia and Reiss. Sarah has taken 3 years of Spanish, and Reiss & Julia grew up speaking Spanish at home. But for the rest of us, it's pretty good. 
     Right after class, we had PE. Supposedly it was gymnastics, but all we did were exercises. Hopefully Thursday will yield better results. The rest of the day was uneventful, until after vespers. Then Sarah and I hung out down the hall with a group of girls we've become friends with. They made grilled cheese in a panni maker, and hung out and listened to movies. Some of the girls were checking out pictures on my phone and the found the movie Thor that I had on there. Fangirling is universal. Or at least Chris Hemsworth is adored by girls everywhere. We all had fun. Plenty of group selfies were taken. Times like that are what make me begin to feel included in the ISAM community.

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