Sunday, June 15, 2014

Day 19 •• June 14

     We were awaken at 8 by our Bible teacher turning on all the lights in the gym. After eating our personal breakfast, we gathered on the stage for Sabbath School. According to Carolina, SS consisted of 10 minutes lesson study and an hour of a "how to help your friends through difficult times" session. We had a 5 minute break before our church service started. After running around like the crazy teenagers we are, we were grouped into groups of 12. Six girls, six guys. When the PowerPoint flashed onto the wall, we discovered that we were the only survivors after a catastrophic wipeout of humanity. Basically the zombie apocalypse, except that everyone else died of an illness. Each group was given some food, weapons, and building material. We then had to figure out how we'd survive and procreate. Yeah. Just slightly awkward. But it didn't stop there. ISAM's school principal is a psychological, so he took everything to the next level. Unfortunately, by this point I couldn't understand anything, and it was too confusing for Carolina to translated. So James and I fell asleep. When lunch rolled around, I could feel the tension in the air. Carolina explained that the principal had been asking probing questions to the students about their life and history... then explaining how that would impact their survival. It got to a point when no one wanted to ask any questions. 
     After lunch, some of the girls went to take showers. Then at 2, some of us met at the flagpoles with the Pathfinders to head into town. We were to knock on doors to try and recruit more Pathfinders. Before and after the kids went out, we gathered at the church to sing songs and listen to a message. Once we got back to ISAM, us Seniors returned to the gym. We kinda hurried through the last bit of the apocalypse thing... nobody seem that interested in getting back into it. Then supper was served. After supper, everyone just hung out for a while. I joined the group of girls hanging out by the sound system. We started playing Truth or Dare ... with the mic. Delightful. Anyhow, soon we were all called out onto the gym floor. Then one of the teachers (I think) started calling out group formations. Groups of 3. So we'd group up in 3s. Groups of 6 .... groups of 8 ... groups of 2 ... if you didn't have the correct amount of people in your group, you guys were eliminated and watched from the sidelines. It's simple, yet so much fun. Then, once they got down to 3 people (started with 40) we were split into two groups. Relay races. Those were fun. Run around a chair with a volleyball pressed between two people's foreheads ... between their backs ... find candy in a bowl of flour with your mouth. Yuck. That last one was messy... and kinda gross. But my team won, 2-1. Sarah told me she could hear us all screaming down in her dorm room. 
     Then we all went down and took showers, as the dean was leaving the bathroom lights on for us. Once everyone was all changed and ready for bed, the movie started. It was Nonstop. By the end I swore I was taking a bus home ... or walking. But it was a good movie. Lights were turned off at 2am.

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