Thursday, June 26, 2014

Day 28 •• June 23

     As soon as breakfast was over, we gathered outside of the library, trying to keep out if the pouring rain. Myself, Sarah, River and James had decided to accompany Mr. Rivera to Posadas. After Arturo dropped us off at the same bus station we had arrived in 3 weeks earlier, we acquired our tickets and boarded a bus for the hour and a half ride to the capital of Misiones. There, we discovered that no ride had been arranged for us, so we took a taxi to the Posadas SDA academy. (The same school that visited ISAM a week or so before.) While Uncle Andy sat through some meeting, us students were being interrogated by the 3rd level class (sophomores). We left the school around noon, going in two cars to the mall-ish place next to the bus station. After losing connect with the other car, myself, Sarah and James found ourselves at the mall with our driver (the school's chaplain) with no idea were the others were. Unfortunately, the chaplain had forgotten his cell, so we wandered around the stores for a half hour before we were reunited at the food court. Duh. 
     Anyhow, after eating lunch, we checked out the different stores for a little while before heading back to the bus station to arrange our return trip to ISAM. Once that was concluded, we took another taxi to a cheap shopping center near the bridge that connects Argentina to Paraguay. After browsing through the stalls selling numerous cheap goods, we walked over to the Parana  river and took pictures near Border Control. Around the time we finished our picture / video taking, it was 5pm. So we took another taxi (that meant us 4 students crammed in the back seat) to the bus station. Thankful, we caught a bus just as it was leaving. 
     By time we arrived in Alem, it was past suppertime, so we ate supper at the restaurant across the street from the school. We've become regulars there. It's hard to believe we have exactly a week left! Well, as of typing this, we have 7 days, 11 hours and 17 minutes until we arrived back at Dulles. Yeah, we're just slightly excited to come home. But at the same time, I wish we had another few weeks.

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