Sunday, June 15, 2014

Day 17 •• June 12

     While today started out normal, it finished quite nicely. After lunch, I was able to Skype home for a little bit. Then I hurriedly finished my homework and went to Spanish class. Our teacher is chill. Even through she speaks no English, she tries hard to make us understand and with Google Translate to help here and there, we get by fine. After class, Sarah went to watch the opening ceremony of the 2014 Fifi World Cup. I decided to use that time to upload pictures to my blog. (You're welcome.) But I did make sure to watch all of the first game. Brazil vs. Croatia. Brazil won, 3-1. Unfortunately, here in Argentina, that's like the Yankees winning. Futbol (soccer) is like a religion here. American Football back at home is intense and controversial, but not like futbol here ... and it wasn't even their team! 
     Once the game finished, us exchange students (& Kevin) met outside of the biblioteca (liberty) as we were going to town for supper. Nicole was a international student at SVA last year, and she had invited us to her house. She and her mom picked us up in two cars. The boys with Mom, and Sarah and I with Nicole. We had a great time! First we played Spoons, then Uno... which went on forever! Then, the food was brought out. Empanadas and pizza, and pizza, and more pizza ... and then ice cream! It was great to just chill with her family. 
     On the ride back, Nicole said that we'd be coming over once a week ... and there's a chance us girls will have a sleepover with her. Sarah and I are so pumped.

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