Monday, June 2, 2014

Day 6 •• June 1

     After my sub roommate's alarm went off 3 times (6, 6:15, 6:30) we both got up at 7am. Breakfast was somewhat normal, with cereal and fruit. 
     When I was down at the music building, I saw kids wearing Pathfinder scarfs all heading towards the library. I went over to watch. They formed up in front of the flag poles in a square. Then the AY and Conquistador flags were raised. Then they all (50+ kids!) sang the Pathfinder song. Then after a short worship and prayer, they broke into groups to work on different activities. 
     I went back to the music building, connected with home, posted pictures and blog updates, then Skyped. Then Nicko decided to kill the wifi by downloading junk. So I took a nap until lunch. At lunch, Sarah and I sat with 4 boys who were learning English. We decided that they could only speak English to us, and we could only speak Spanish to them. That worked out pretty well. 
     After lunch, us exchange students were made to join the older Pathfinders (a Master Guide class) as they hiked into the forest to practice building fires. That was fun, but kinda easy, as all you had to do was simply light the tinder. After everyone finished, our leader (who is the Bible teacher) told us about an expedition that's happening the end of the month. It's basically a 20 mile bushwhacking trip through the rainforest. 
     Anyhow, when we got back it was almost time for supper. The food here is good. After supper we had vespers in the dorms. I went to bed quite soon after.

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