Monday, June 23, 2014

Day 24 •• June 19

     The dean turned the lights on in my room at 5:30am. We international students (and Carolina) ate breakfast at 6:15 and were at the library by 6:35. Then came the 4½ hour bus ride up to Iguazú Falls. We also picked up Nicole in L.N. Alem. (Which is the town near us.) We stopped a few times for bathroom breaks, and also to buy some food for lunch. When we arrived at the national park, it was close to noon. After getting our tickets from Arturo, we proceeded to the falls. A week ago, they had record flooding, so only a portion of the walkways were open. But it was still incredible, nevertheless! It's hard to explain how majestic the falls were. We walked around for a few hours ... we were supposed to view the falls for around 5 hours, but due to the lack of open trails, we only stayed for 3 hours. After buying souvenirs, we drove to a nearby town to buy supper. It was nice to have a day to just hang out with *English speaking* friends. That's probably the hardest thing at this point: not being able to fully communicate with our friends.

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