Monday, June 9, 2014

Day 12 •• June 7

     It was so nice to be able to sleep in until 8, when breakfast starts. The food is so good on the weekends! Sabbath School was nice. Church was okay. I think I'd appreciate it better if I could understand what was being said. Lunch was incredible! A full out three course meal. Soup & salad, squash and other veggies, ravioli, and dessert. Heavenly. 
     In the afternoon, Sarah and I chilled with our friends on the front lawn. It was nice just to relax in the sun. The AY meeting (which starts at 4:00) was okay. But as soon as it finished, there was the normal stampede to reach the cafeteria first, and therefore get a good table (tables are called to eat from front to back). 
     That evening, the wifi was turned back on (it's off during Sabbath hours). Sarah and I were able to use the wifi from the Communications office until the guys dean kicked us out from under the boy's dorm (but had had permission to be there ... but that didn't mean anything to him). So we went up to the parque and played sports until 11pm. Sarah stayed over my room, again... so we talked until midnight. I'm liking my time here, so far.

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