Sunday, June 15, 2014

Day 18 •• June 13

     So, first things first, I know that today is my parent's anniversary, but I had no access to wifi today. Got it, Hannah? Good. I'm just hoping you got them a nice card and/or present and you forged my signature.
     Okay, now about today. This weekend is essentially Senior Survival. Today we were told to dress in clothes that you wouldn't mind getting dirty. Then we met in the parque and split into groups. Us girls hiked out to the abandoned building behind the school and started to remove the graffiti covering it. We went from using sandpaper, to water and brushes. But with water came flooding, so we swept the water out the doors. Naturally, that caused mud ... which brought on mud war paint. Then a group of us decided to ambush the guys who were working nearby. But when we got there, there were only a few guys. We covered them in mud, anyway. They were burning brush and starting work on a amphitheater of sorts. They were using rocks and clay to construct the seating. Soon, a load of rocks were delivered by a group of guys. We helped to unload and then myself and another girl joined the group of guys to head back for more. After wrestling a couple dozen 75lb rocks onto a farm wagon, we were all significantly covered in red clay. But on the 15 minutes tractor ride back from the query, the guys decided to have a mud fight. So by time we returned to the school, all 9 of us were coated in clay. We then decided that our classmates were too clean ... full. out. mud. fight. Before we were allowed back in the dorms, we were made to wash off the majority of clay with a hose. Even after that, I still walked into the shower fully dressed. It took an unearthly amount of shampoo and soap to removed the clay that had been inflicted on me. It felt so nice to be clean and dry. But that didn't last. 
     After lunch we met to continue work. It was misting out, but that didn't stop a group of us from progressing on with the amphitheatre. However, we are in the rainforest. And it isn't call "rainforest" for nothing. How bout a thunderstorm? That might make life difficult. I was getting to the point were I thought I might be best if I returned to the dorm, when the sky opened up. It's hard to move and arrange rocks when the water pouring down your face makes it almost impossible to see. So we called it quits. By that time, we were thoroughly soaked. Again. It this rate, I'm going to run out of dry clothes. After changing, I took a nap until supper. 
     Once supper finished, us Seniors gathered our sleeping bags and headed up to the large gym. (Which I've been incorrectly referring to as the parque; Parque, however, is what they call hanging out on Saturday night playing sports. My bad.) We chilled for a while, then had worship. At the end of worship, we were encouraged to pledge to end something in our life that was weighing us down. It got wicked emotional. I wish I could've understood more. Then everyone went to bed... or got into their sleeping bags and proceeded to talk for the next hour.

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