Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Day 14 •• June 9

     The normal. Up at 6:20, went to breakfast at 6:45, classes start around 7:15am. However, I was able to skip Philosophy and go to the library, as the class was having a test. At the library I ran into Valentina and the younger 3. She took me down to administration and helped me set up an account with the school's store. There they have snacks, school supplies and basically whatever else necessities you might need. 
     After lunch, we worked in the Inglés classes. Then Sarah, Reiss and Julia had Spanish class. I walked around the campus to get some fresh air. It gets really nice out when the sun shines. If the sun isn't out, then it's cold. I came back to my room and fell asleep around 3:30. When Sarah woke me up at 5:15, she informed me that I had totally missed the SVA & ISAM meeting at 4. Whoops. Completely forgot about that. Thankfully, since I'm not from SVA, I didn't play a huge role in the meeting. But still. 
     Supper was normal, neither excellent nor bad. After vespers (which I still can't understand) I hung out in Sarah's room. It was then that I was assured that girls are the same across the world. We all have crushes. We all have drama. Girl dynamics are crazy, worldwide. Sorry if these post are getting shorter with each passing day. It's just that our life is falling into a pattern, therefore there's not much to write about.

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