Saturday, June 7, 2014

Day 10 •• June 5

     This was just one of those days. Breakfast was blah. Classes were blah. Lunch was blah. Spanish class was confusing. But the bright spot came when we found out we were skipping PE and having a personal history class, instead. Myself, Sarah and James (the other two had already gone to PE) were given a lesson on the history of Misiones. (If you check out Andy's blog you can get more info from one of his posts.) We're going to be visiting one of the abandoned missions in Las Marias on Sunday. Also, that lesson prepared us for the movie we watched after supper; The Mission with Robert De Niro as one of the lead roles, and Liam Neeson in a minor role, as he wasn't popular, yet. Arturo played the movie in a room adjoining the library. It was great, sad though. We all hung out on the couches and ate snacks. Good ending to a pretty blah day.

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