Saturday, June 7, 2014

Day 11 •• June 6

     Slowly, these days are falling into a pattern. Wake at 6ish, breakfast at 6:30, classes start at 7. Lunch at 12:30, then either work or Spanish class afterwards. But today was a nice (and needed) surprise. After flag raising, us seniors went to Sala Magna (the hall in the guy's dorm) for information about graduation, instead of Bible class. There, we were handed fake report cards ... and then the juniors burst in with confetti and whatnot. Pandemonium broke loose. But it was great. We stretched out the celebration for a half hour. Then when we went to Philosophy class, we were told to go back up to Sala Magna, as the Seniors and 8th graders were going to received a second breakfast; reward for winning a contest sometime earlier. Sweet! Then it was back to classes... but my next class was Project. That means we go to the library to work on certain projects ... and since I don't have one, that means time with wifi for me! So, in total, I only sat through 3 out of 8 classes. I'm fine with that. 
     After lunch, Uncle Andy gathered us in their apartment just to give us an overview on how these past two weeks have been. While we're enjoying our time here, I think we're all reaching the point when homesickness sets in. After our quick meeting, Sarah and I washed our laundry in the apartment's huge sinks. Unfortunately, it's so humid here that our clothes won't dry for a few days. As it's the weekend, supper was good. 
     After supper, Sarah and I retrieved our instruments and brought them to Sala Magna. There, the juniors and seniors had worship. Uncle Andy was the speaker. Afterwards, we had cake and cold, hot chocolate. My guitar was passed around; a huge favorite of many. Then we went out to the bonfire behind the girl's dorm. Unfortunately, it started raining around 9:30pm. >_< But we still had fun in the dorm. Sarah and I hung out down the hall with a group of seniors and studied the Sabbath School lesson. Here at ISAM, the seniors teach the SS classes, which is cool. 
     Upon returning to my room at 11:30, I found that both of my roommates were sleeping over in different rooms. So Sarah and I lugged her mattress into my room and we talked and listened to The Piano Guys until we both fell asleep in the middle of a song. Feliz Sábado!

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