Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Day 20 •• June 15

     Thankfully, we were allowed to sleep in until 9, when breakfast was brought up to the gym. After we ate and packed up our stuff, we cleaned the gym. I went to the biblioteca after throwing my stuff in my room. There, I was able to connect with the rest of the world via wifi. The internet connection is weird... the best way to connect is by using one of the 6 school computers, but those are usually always in use. (So please excuse the condition of this blog!)
     Before Master Guide class, myself, Sarah & two other girls went across the road to the ice cream shop. They have some really good ice cream for cheap. $1.20 USD for two scoops. Now, it's not Kimball's quality, or quantity ... but it was good, non the less. For Master Guide, we worked on First Aid. We're preparing for our expedition. Afterwards, our leader talked with us each to make sure we were prepared for the trip. 
     When I went back to the dorm, some of the girls were watching Mission Impossible. The Spanish dubbing was horrible. Then they voted and started watching Hansel and Gretal: Witch Hunters. Unfortunately, the USB that the movie was on somehow reformatted 2/3 through the movie. (Basically all their movies are illegally downloaded.) That was actually kinda good, because apparently supper had been moved up to 6pm from 6:30, so everyone could watch the game at 7. They separated the guys and the girls, so Sarah and I watched the game squished in the girl's dorm. But it was fun. Most everyone had face paint and there were snacks passing around. But the noise, though! After the game finished (Argentina won) we ran through the halls shouting and singing. The atmosphere was so hype!

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