Monday, May 26, 2014

So, I jumped out of a perfectly good plane...

     Yes, you read the title correct. I did indeed jump out of a perfectly good plane... but I had a parachute on. Growing up across town from JumpTown New England accustomed me to people falling out of the sky. You'd walk out of WalMart, look at the horizon (WM is on a hill) and there'd be specks with colorful canopies drifting towards the ground. 
     I don't think I ever "decided" to skydive, I believe I just assumed I'd jump once I was old enough. Since "old enough" is 18, I jumped the day after my 18th birthday. I dragged three reluctant* friends with me and we had an incredible time!

*jk... I think they were more excited than me!

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome birthday Autumn! The pictures are beautiful and the smiles are huge :) I know fun was had by all. Love you Autumn!
