Friday, May 30, 2014

Day 3 •• May 29

So, we girls were supposed to be up by 7am so we could be downstairs with our bags by 8. However, my alarm didn't go off (new watch) so we girls awoke to Sofia crying. I checked my watch and it was 7:51am. Oh gosh. Ran around the room packing up and washing up. Got downstairs to find that the bus was late. Delightful.

On the sleeper bus heading to ISAM. Today was good. Went to the Catholic school and visited with the 16 year old class. They practiced their English and we practiced our Spanish. Ate breakfast there, too. Afterwards, we toured Buenos Aires until 7pm. Bought souvenirs, lunch and last minutes stuff. Returned to the hotel, loaded our bags onto a bus which took us to the station for the sleeper buses. After waiting for 15 minutes, we loaded the bus. It's quite nice!

Dinner was surprisingly good. Much better than airplane meals. But I'm falling asleep as I type. Night!

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