Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Day 1 •• May 27

(All time in EST)
We're getting close to Boston. I can see the buildings cutting into the sky. I'm hungry; I haven't eaten anything, yet. With only 3 hours of fitful sleep, I'm tired.

I'm on the plane. We depart in 15 minutes. I'm getting India flashbacks. Since it's post Memorial Day rush, bag check and security were wicked easy.

I just finished lunch. We're on our flight to San Salvador. When I arrived in Dulles, I found out that JetBlue had forgotten to put my suitcase on the plane. So I had to fill out a report, just in case it didn't arrive in time on the next flight. Thankfully, it all worked out. Barring a few other inconveniences, we made it aboard our flight. Currently we're flying over Florida!

Just finished "dinner". We're on our way to Lima, Peru. There are no personal TVs and the movie that's playing seems dull. But Reiss and I have an extra seat in our row, so we have plenty of room. We've been introducing each other to different songs/artist off our phones. The sunset is beautiful. I keep taking pictures every 3 minutes as the horizon changes colors.

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