Thursday, May 8, 2014


(Because who doesn't like taking pics with a webcam!) 
     May 27th will start at 3:15am. By 4, Dad and I should be driving towards Boston. I board my first flight at 6:45am. In Dulles, Virginia at 11:10am, I’ll board the plane that will take me out of the US ... to Argentina.

     Myself and 4 other high school juniors are part of a student exchange program. Shenandoah Valley Academy (SVA) in  New Market, Virginia had hosted 8 students from  Instituto Superior Adventista de Misiones, Argentina (ISAM) over the past few years. Now it’s time for ISAM to return the favor. 

     In January, we got a call from good friends of ours,  the Riveras, who work and live at SVA. Mr. Rivera, the school’s director of English Language Learners, had been asked to accompany the exchanges students. “Would any of the Motts be interesting in joining the group?” Uh, YEAH! After thinking, praying and planning, it was decided that I would take advantage of this incredible opportunity to learn and experience the South American language and culture.

     So here I am. 19 days away from leaving... and I’m crazy busy. (No surprise there!) I have to finish two college classes (Intermediate Algebra and Introductory Sociology), complete any co-op work needing to be done, and practice for and schedule my driving test for when I return. Delightful.

     My summer doesn’t stop there. After I return from Argentina on July 1st (Tuesday), I’ll have a day with my family, take my driving test (Thursday), then head up to Maine on Friday to work at Camp Lawroweld for the rest of the summer.


  1. From what I hear this really does sound like an incredible opportunity! Thought I heard at one point your sister would be joining you?!... What will your duties encumpass at Camp?

    1. I know!! I can't wait! :) Hannah was gonna go, as well, but she decided that it would be too long for a first real trip away from home. As far as camp goes, I'm not sure exactly where I'll be working. PHarry told Mom at Camporee that he'd fit me in somewhere. (Not attending orientation is preventing me from normally getting a job.) Hopefully I can still work maintenance. :)
