Sunday, March 3, 2013

"I Go Back" | Music and Memories

"And I go back to watchin' summer fade to fall,
Growin' up too fast and I do recall,
Wishin' time would stop right in its tracks,
Every time I hear that song, I go back, I go back,

We all have a song that somehow stamped our lives,
Takes us to another place and time..."

     Music is powerful.  Every time I turn the radio on, hit play on my iPod, or open Pandora, I'm reminded of different times and places.  "Blink" by Revive brings me back to NNEC Campmeeting 2010; "Got It Good" by Rodney Atkins reminds me of my mission trip to India; "Live Out Loud" by Steven Curtis Chapman recalls memories of being 10 and Daddy blaring it on Sabbath morning to get us up out of bed.
     But it also impacts my emotions.  When I listen to a bunch of sad songs, I find myself slightly depressed for a while.  But when I listen to upbeat, energetic music I feel like I'm on top of the world!  But we need to be careful about the music that we listen to.  While I'm in no way saying secular music is bad, or evil, I am saying that we need to choose what we listen to.  If I spend hours listening to Taylor Swift (yes, I'm a fan) I end up wishing and daydreaming about my future Knight in Shining Armor.  But if I listen to Jamie-Grace or Britt Nicole instead, I end up feeling closer to my Heavenly Father.
     I'm a huge fan of Country Music (as you might have guessed by now), but whenever I go through tough times I always end up listening to my Christian albums.  I just need the reassurance of knowing God's right there; always with me.

-Autumn Story Mott

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