Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Every Grammar Nazi's Worst Nightmare :: Mikey's Funnies

A "Technically Correct" Poem 

Eye halve a spelling chequer; it came with my pea sea.
It plainly marques four my revue miss steaks eye kin knot sea.

Eye strike a key and type a word and weight four it two say
Weather eye am wrong oar write.  It shows me strait a weigh.

As soon as a mist ache is maid, it nose bee fore two long
And eye can put the error rite. Its rarely ever wrong.

Eye ran this poem threw it, I'm shore your pleased two no;
Its letter perfect in it's weigh. My chequer tolled me sew.

Mikey's Funnies :: April 30th, 2013 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Noah :: The World We Live In

Here's a quick recap of the past few days: 

Boston Marathon Bombing:   3 dead; 170+ injured
Texas Plant Explosion:          12 dead; 200+ injured
Ohio Basement Shooting:      4 dead

Okay, I know this may be wicked random, but is this was Noah went through?  The above list is just in the US alone.  I was scrolling though the NY Times reading headlines about other events happening around the world.  And the Bible says it's gonna get much worse!  Anyhow, back to Noah:

The Bible says in Genesis 6:5 

"Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." (NLT)

From 9/11 to the Boston Marathon, mass tragedies are becoming a sad reality.  I hate to admit it, but when I first heard about the bombing, I wasn't that surprised.  I was (and still am) deeply saddened by these events, but they're unfortunately becoming more and more frequent. Thankfully, we know that God will never again allow a flood to wipe out the earth. Genesis 9:13-16  But how long will this last? When will He come and take us home to heaven?

I really don't have much more to say; I just wanted to leave this thought in your mind:

"Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6