Saturday, January 19, 2013

Our Medical Team | Day 8

In our group we have two nurses, an EMT and a International Lifeguard. Therefore, we should have no problem when it comes to injuries or sickness. Right...

Well, our EMT and Lifeguard are very eager to try out their medical skill. So whenever anyone gets "injured" they insist on caring for you.

Shaina pricked her finger on a safety pin while fixing her punjabi, so immediately they jumped into action. Shankar, our "doctor", washed the tiny bead of blood off with Germx on some TP. Noah ran and grabbed the three medical bags, then Josh, our EMT/"nurse", got a butterfly bandage ready.

No, we're not bored.

(We actually aren't, Shankar and Josh are being, well, Shankar and Josh.)

In other news, our meetings are going great!! Tomorrow, Sunday, we're going visiting in the village where the meeting is being held.

-Autumn Story Mott

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